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Understanding your Dashboard – Details

For Manufacturers:

Written by Hannah
Updated over a week ago

Click your name in the top right hand corner of the site and choose your company from the dropdown menu. This will bring you to your Brand Dashboard. In your Dashboard, you’ll see five tabs at the top of the page: 

  • Details

  • Team

  • Projects

  • Products

  • Tags


This is where you'll edit the details about your brand. 

Click inside the square to upload a logo image. .JPEG and .PNG files work best, and the image size is 100x100 pixels, so please upload a square image or one with your logo text centered. 

Brand Name

Enter your brand’s name as you’d like it to appear on Architizer

Primary URL

Enter your brand's website, ie.

Hero Images

Upload three feature images that best represent your brand. To add a file, click inside the image box. The image size is 800x600 pixels. These will appear towards the bottom of your profile in the About section.


Include a short sentence about your brand. There is a 100 character limit for this section.


Please include a description of your brand and the products it offers.

Product Categories
Select the two to three categories that best characterize your products. For more information on what the categories include, click here.

Contact Information

Add your email, physical address, phone numbers, and social media handles. 

If there are any articles written about your brand that you would like to showcase, this is where you can add them. You can also include links to specific pages on your company website. 

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